- Petite Coney Island Imaginings
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- Elephant Train
Elephant Train
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About Elephant Train:
Re-imagined smaller.
I know well the trials and tribulations of a train commute but what about the Coney Island creatures? How do they get about? Easily answered. They take the minature amusement park train. All aboard, including a sleeping child who is unfazed by it all.
Size: 6” X 9”
Medium: Linocut Print, Water Color on Rice Paper
Re-imagined smaller.
I know well the trials and tribulations of a train commute but what about the Coney Island creatures? How do they get about? Easily answered. They take the minature amusement park train. All aboard, including a sleeping child who is unfazed by it all.
Size: 6” X 9”
Medium: Linocut Print, Water Color on Rice Paper